stage 9. Villafranca del Bierzo-Laguna

The 25.5 kilometres from Villafranca del Bierzo to La Laguna de Castilla are the last ones you walk on in Leon. Leave Villafranca via the Calle del Agua, which takes you to the bridge over the river Burbia.
Here you can choose one of two routes that take you the 9.5 kilometres to Trabadelo:
- One option is to follow the course of the river Valcarce along the Nacional VI road. Bear in mind that there is a lot of traffic on this road and that this can make the walk a potentially dangerous one. Walk 5 kilometres to Pereje and another 5 kilometres to Trabadelo.
- The other route also starts at the bridge over the river Burbia in Villafranca del Bierzo. This option is more tiring for pilgrims but is less hazardous, and also passes through some very attractive countryside. Just over 4 kilometres take you to Pradela and 1 more takes you to Trabadelo, where you come to the Nacional VI. From there on it’s a 4 kilometre walk to La Portela de Valcarce, with another kilometre to Ambasmestas and one more to Vega de Valcarce, where you can rest at the riverside beach.
One final stretch of 4 kilometres takes you to Herrerías, passing through Ruitelán. This stage is uphill in many parts. You now head upwards to the summit of El Cebreiro (1,293 metres), in Galicia.
The trail gets steeper from Herrerías. A 4 kilometre walk takes you to La Faba. A final stretch of 2 kilometres and you come to the end of the last stage of the Way of Saint James in Leon. The last Leonese village is La Laguna de Castilla. Santiago is closer now, just 153 kilometres away.
You have walked 200 kilometres, through the province with the longest part of the Way of Saint James in Spain.
Lenght of stage
25,5 Kilometers
This is the first village you come upon in the route along the Nacional VI. It once had a hospital for pilgrims. The village festivals are on 22 July (La Magdalena).
This point marks the start of the ascent to El Cebreiro. The festivals of the patron saint are on 6 December (San Nicolás de Bari), although other religious festivals are held on 28 and 29 January (Santo Tirso and San Antonio Abad).
La Pórtela de Valcarce
La Portela de Valcarce is situated in the Valle de Valcarce. The population of the village is about 50, its original name was Portella de Vallecarceris and it was governed by the Monastery of Carracedo.
Ambas Mestas
The name, Ambasmestas, refers to the confluence of the rivers Balboa and Valcarce in this village.
Vega de Valcarce
The capital of the last Leonese municipality on the Way of Saint James. The village celebrates its festivals on 1 and 16 August (Santa María de La Magdalena, patron saint of sinners and penitents, and San Roque, respectively).
The village’s origins go back to the Romans, when it was called Uttaris. Here you can see the parish church of San Juan Bautista and, according to Millón Bravo, there is a place in the base of the mountain where the hermit of Lugo, San Froilán, future Bishop of Leon once lived.
Las Herrerías
Las Herrerías or Las Ferrerías, as the village is known in the region, owes its name to the steel industry installed here until the beginning of the XXth Century. There was unless one steel foundry here. There are traces of the Hospital Inglés (a hospital for English pilgrims).
La Faba
The penultimate stop in the province of Leon. The village festival is dedicated to San Andrés.
La Laguna de Castilla
At 1,180 metres high, La Laguna de Castilla is a prelude to El Cebreiro, just one kilometre away.
Hostel of Pereje
Hostel of Trabadelo
Hostel el Peregrino
Hostel Pequeño Potala
- Address: Calle Camino de Santiago s/n
- Where: Pereje
- +34 987 542 670 - +34 987 540 138
- Owner: Neighbours' Association
- 30 beds.
There are some very pleasant terraces behind the hostel.
Very clean and well kept.
Open all year. Price 5€.
Open from 12:30 to 22:30.
No reservations.
- 2 sinks
- Washing machine
- Heating
- Fridge
- Hot water
- 5 showers
- 4 toilets
- First aid kit
- Tables available
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Kitchen
- Meeting room
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Sockets for recharging batteries
- Phone booth in bar
- Mobile baker
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet (available at hostel)
- Address: Calle Camino de Santiago (opposite the Town Hall)
- Where: Trabadelo
- +34 987 566 447
- Owner: Town Hall
- 32 bunk beds.
Very well kept.
Open all year. Price 6€.
Open from 12:00 to 22:30.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine
- Heating
- Fridge
- Hot water
- 4 showers
- 8 toilets
- First aid kit
- Drink’s machine
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Kitchen
- Common room with fireplace and TV
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Public telephone
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Sockets for recharging batteries
- Information for pilgrims at the Town Hall: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00
- Telephone booth
- Pharmacy
- Grocer's
- Medical assistance
- Baker's
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet
- Address: Calle Camino de Santiago nº 5
- Where: La Portela de Valcarce
- +34 987 543 197
- Website:
- Owner: Private
- 50 beds: 40 bunk beds and 10 individual beds.
Very clean and well kept.
Open all year. Price: 8€ for a bunk bed and 20€ for an individual bed.
Closes at 00:00.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine
- Heating
- Hot water
- 10 showers
- 10 toilets
- First aid kit
- Drink’s machine
- Towel and soap in some rooms
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Common room and TV
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Public telephone
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Stables
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Sockets for recharging batteries
- Phone booth in bar
- Cash machine in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Pharmacy in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Repair workshop in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Grocers in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Doctor in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Baker's in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Butcher's in Vega de Valcarce, 3 km away
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet
- Address: Carretera Nacional 6, km 426
- Where: Vega de Valcarce
- +34 987 543 045
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Owner: Private
- 46 beds: 36 bunk beds and 10 individual beds.
Very clean and well kept.
Open all year. Price 5€.
Open from 13:00 to 23:30.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine and tumble dryer
- Heating
- Fridge
- Hot water
- 4 showers
- 4 toilets
- First aid kit
- Drink’s machine
- Towels and soap
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Kitchen
- Common room and reading room
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Public telephone, coins only
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Telephone booth
- Cash machine
- Pharmacy
- Repair workshop
- Grocer's
- Daytime medical assistance
- Butcher's
- Baker's
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet in a bar
- Address: Calle Pandelo s/n
- Where: Vega de Valcarce
- +34 987 543 248 - +34 661 815 919
- Owner: Town Hall
- 84 beds, available as follows: 64 bunk beds and 20 mattresses.
Very clean and well kept.
Open all year (there is a manager from April to October and for the rest of the year you have to ask for the key at the Town Hall).
Price: voluntary donations.
Open all year.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine and tumble dryer (3€)
- Hot water
- 3 showers
- 3 toilets
- First aid kit
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Kitchen
- Meeting room
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Public telephone
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Information for pilgrims
- Telephone booth
- Cash machine
- Pharmacy
- Grocer's
- Daytime medical assistance
- Butcher's
- Baker's
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet (available at Town Hall)
- Address: Carretera de A Coruña 22
- Where: Ruitelán
- +34 987 561 322
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Owner: Private
- 34 bunk beds.
Clean and well kept.
Open all year. Price 5€. Dinner (vegetarian available) 6€. Breakfast 3 €. Complete shiatsu 30€.
Localised massages to treat tendonitis are also available (price: voluntary donation).
Opening times depend on arrivals: in summer from 11:00 to 23:00.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine and tumble dryer
- Heating
- Fridge
- Hot water
- 3 showers
- 2 toilets
- First aid kit
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Common room
- Dining room
- Terrace and small garden.
- Public telephone
- Enclosed area for bikes
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Telephone booth
- Grocer's and tobacconist
- Mobile baker
- Bar-Restaurant
- Internet
- Address: The old Casa Parroquial, next to the church
- Where: La Faba
- Owner: The Obispado
- 35 bunk beds.
Very clean and well kept.
Open from 1 May to 30 October. Price: 3€.
Open from 14:00 to 22:00.
- Wash basins
- Washing machine (3 €) and dryer (4 €)
- Heating
- Fridge
- Hot water
- 5 showers
- 5 toilets
- First aid kit
- Drink’s machine
- Towels and soap
- Coffee machine
- Washing line
- Electric hob
- Common room
- Dining room
- Terrace
- Coverage for mobile phones
- Bar-Restaurant (lunch and dinner)