A route that enables visitors to get a more global view of the range of cultural and tourist activities and sights on offer in the city of Leon, with information about the main monuments to be seen throughout the trip.
The train starts in the Plaza de San Marcelo, at the foot of the few buildings designed by Gaudí outside Catalonia, the Casa Botines and one of the most beautiful palaces in Leon, the Palacio de los Guzmanes. The train takes you down the Calle Ancha and into what was once the camp for the Legio VII Gemina and its Vía Principalis (Principal Street). Coats of arms and old buildings whose richly decorated facades have seen thousands of pilgrims pass by on their way to the Cathedral of Leon.
We leave the Plaza de Regla, and make a short trip around the Roman camp to reach the Plaza de Puerta Castillo with the Arch of Don Pelayo, the only one of the original city gates to survive the passage of time. The route continues onto the Biblical and Oriental Museum, home to a unique collection of 5,000-year-old treasures. The Plaza de San Isidoro lets you get a taste of the elegance and sober style of the Basilica of San Isidoro, a symbol of Romanesque art in Spain. In Calle del Cid you pass by the Jardín del Cid (Garden of the Cid), the most private and charming park in Leon, and then enter the Plaza de Santo Domingo.
The way the city has grown can be seen in the Plaza de Santo Domingo, from the moment you enter the Gran Vía de San Marcos, full of shops and stores with national and international brand names. Then you reach the Plaza de San Marcos and the Parador Nacional de San Marcos .
San Marcos represents the history of Leon. With one of the most imposing Plateresque facades to be seen anywhere, it has the solemn duty of bidding farewell to pilgrims as they pass by on their way to Santiago. The route continues along one of the most impressive avenues in the city, the Paseo de la Condesa, with a typical bandstand built in the Japanese style, to finally end at the roundabout of Guzmán el Bueno.
The statue of the local hero, Guzmán el Bueno, dates to 1900 and his imperious gesture shows the way to the train station for anyone who doesn’t like the city. The opposite direction takes you to the Avenida Ordoño II, an iconic street and whose role in the city’s urban life goes back to the 19th c. The journey ends once again at the Plaza de San Marcelo.
Plaza de San Marcelo - Plaza de San Marcelo
30 - 40 minutos
- De lunes a domingo, de 11.00 a 14.00 y de 16.30 a 21.00 horas*
* El mes de agosto y los fines de semana el horario de funcionamiento del tren pude ser ampliado hasta las 23.00 horas. En temporada baja el tren puede suspender los recorridos si la climatología es adversa.
- Billete adulto, 4.50 €
- Billete niño, 3.50 €