PLAZA DE LA INMACULADA - Página Oficial de Turismo de León
Plaza de la Inmaculada

Situated in the centre of the Plaza Circular del Ensanche, it divides the Gran Vía that goes from the Plaza de Santo Domingo to the Plaza de San Marcos into two parts.

The statue, made of white stone, was is the work of a sculptor from Astorga, Marino Amaya, famous as a sculptor of children. Marino left an excellent example of his talent in the sculpture to be seen here.

The sculpture rests on a high square pillar of rusticated ashlar, with each side containing an embedded pilaster with Corinthian capitals. The bases were widened to rest on a cube that has two rusticated pilasters on each corner.

The monument was designed by the architect Cañas del Río and was inaugurated on 3 June 1956.

The plaza also contains the building of what is now the office of the Sub-Delegation of the City Government.