stage 2. Burgo Ranero - Mansilla de las Mulas

Depending on the choice made in the previous stage, you can go along two different routes: the Vía Trajana or the Camino Real Francés.
If you decide to take the Vía Trajana, bear in mind that this route is fine for pilgrims going on foot, but can be awkward for cyclists. Many parts of the Vía Trajana are stony and difficult to travel on by bike. The Apeadero de Villamarco and the village of Reliegos are the reference points for pilgrims. Both trails run parallel to each other from Villamarco onwards. Finally, you cross the Nacional 625 road to Cistierna and a short distance from there you can see the end of the stage, Mansilla de las Mulas.
The other option for this stage of the Way in Leon is on the dirt track that runs parallel to the Real Camino Francés. Continue alongside the Leon-Palencia railway line. This section has small rest areas where you can stop and enjoy the view. Before you reach Reliegos, you can see the village of Villamarco about one kilometre away on the left hand side. Once you pass Reliegos, you’re at the halfway point of this stage. You have 6 more kilometres to walk to reach Mansilla de las Mulas, and the end of this stage.
18,5 Kilometres
El Burgo Ranero
Mention must be made in this small village of 310 inhabitants to Doménico Laffi, a pilgrim of the 17th century who gave his name to the cosy hostel built in 1990 by the Town Hall of El Burgo to welcome pilgrims. Laffi described the situation three centuries ago in his book“we sought shelter, but what we found there was so poor that we had to sleep on the floor, because only shepherds live in this village in cabins with thatched roofs“. The parish church is dedicated to San Pedro.
Villamarco celebrates its local festivals on 15 May (San Isidro) and 8 December (La Inmaculada). The parish church was rebuilt in the 1970s and all the artwork and items of value it contained were sold off. The village also contains the Hermitage of Santo Cristo.
The Real Camino Francés crosses the Calle Mayor of this village of 298 inhabitants. A feature of the village is the adobe houses, an example of Leonese vernacular architecture. There is a parish church dedicated to San Cornelio and San Cipriano.
Mansilla de las Mulas
The two routes – the Real Camino Francés and the Vía Trajana – that separated at Calzada del Coto about 31 kilometres behind you, come together at this point of the Way of Saint James. Mansilla has always been an important crossroads, a place of livestock and agricultural fairs, which may have given it its name “de las Mulas” (of the mules). The Vía Trajana enters Mansilla via the Arco de la Concepción, which is conserved in the same conditions as it was when pilgrims passed through it centuries ago. The Real Camino Francés enters via the Puerta de Santiago, which is now a stone paved lane with no arch.
- Place: El Burgo Ranero
- Phone: 987 330 023 - 987 330 047 (Town Hall of El Burgo Ranero)
- Property: Association of the Camino de Santiago de León
Were it close, please call at the Town Hall or ask the inhabitants.
- Address: Calle Escuela
- Where: Reliegos de las Matas
- Tel. +34 987 317 801. Also at the Town Hall of Santas Martas: +34 987 314 103 - +34 987 317 867 - +34 987 317 871
- Owner: Municipal
The persons responsible for the hostel are Iluminada and Laudelino. If closed, ask at the village or call the number of the Neighbours' Association: +34 987 317 867.
- Address: Calle del Puente, Nº 5
- Where: Mansilla de las Mulas
- +34 987 310 138 (Oficina de Turismo)
- Owner: The Asociación de Amigos del Peregrino de Mansilla is responsible for upkeep of the hostel.
Laura Barredo is the person responsible for the hostel. If closed, call her (+34 661 977 305).