The three bows that the town councillors make with exaggerated reverence when they leave the Chapter house have given their name to this event: “Las Cabezadas”, which is more common than the other name, “Foro u Oferta”.
According to tradition and the “Chronicon Mundi” by Lucas de Tuy, after prayers were sent to St. Isidore in 1158, “rain fell in abundance on the fields of Leon and the surrounding region”.
By way of thanks for this miracle and others that took place later, the city, represented by its Town Hall, go every year to the Basilica of San Isidoro to offer one large candle and two smaller ones. In the cloister, the Chapter accepts the gift, but makes clear that the offering is mandatory. The disagreement over the nature of the offering leads to the representatives of both bodies arguing and boasting of their oratorical skills. At the end a draw is declared and the argument is postponed for the next year.