The Way of Saint James is one of the foundations of local collective memory. Throughout the centuries, the city has played witness to the constant passage of pilgrims, who according to Goethe built Europe as they walked towards the tomb of the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela. The ancient route of the stars is full of myth, legend and feeling.
And Leon, faithful to its ancient legacy of hospitality, has all the accommodation and services that pilgrims might need.
The Way of Saint James holds a special significance for the province de Leon; hardly surprising when you consider that 200 kilometres of the Way pass through the province.
The information below about the stages is for pilgrims who go on foot , and provides details about the route and the services available for pilgrims, along with some details of the valuable historical and artistic heritage of the Way to be discovered in Leon.
The 200 kilometres of the Way of Saint James in the province of Leon is divided into nine stages, based on pilgrims’ experiences and recommendations by the Friends of the Way of Saint James.