León Airport:

León Airport (Code LEN) is situated in Calle La Ermita, s/n, a 6 km from the city, in the air base of La Virgen del Camino.

How to get there?

By car: the access by road is through the A-road Nacional 120 León – Astorga. Free public parking with 295 for private cars, 8 of them for the disabled, and 4 for buses.

By bus: La Virgen del Camino Line (Alsa city) – Plaza de Santo Domingo.

By taxi: Estimated expense: between 10,00 and 13,00 €, depending on the route.

Flights: The following companies operate in León Airport:


Rent-a-car: Opening hours according to flights schedule


Phone number: (+34) 606 992 924 / 616 457 359 / 987 270 075
Fax:987 270 076.

Europcar: Opening hours

Telephone: (+34) 650 453 195 / 987 230 251
Fax:913 444 939.

Another services


Servired cash dispenser (Caja España-Duero)
